2023 school placement out next week (Date, Time and Checker Details)

The Ghana Education Service (GES) is expected to release the school placements of the over 500,000 candidates who wrote the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) this year. When the 2023 school placement is out, some candidates will jubilate, but close to 200,000 will have to do self-placement, while others will not be placed and will not have the opportunity to do self-placement.

When will 2023 school placements be released? Date and time

Per the release of the GES, the 2023 school placement will be out next week. Candidates should expect the release between Monday, November 20th, and Friday, November 24th, 2023.

The GES often releases the school placement in the evenings or at midnight, depending on what time it deems appropriate.

What is the difference between automatic school placement, self-placement, and protocol placement?

Automatic school placement simply means a student has been placed in one of the schools he or she chose and submitted to his or her basic school, which was further submitted to GES. You often cannot change this, and you cannot use the self-planning module to alter it either.

Self-placement is a second window of opportunity given to all candidates who, although they passed the BECE, were not placed in any of the schools they chose. Such students will have to choose one of the available schools in the self-placement database of the GES.

Protocol placement is a privilege option where persons in authority in public institutions are given a special chance of getting their wards placed in schools they want such students to attend, even if the candidate did not make the pass mark for such schools.

The release of the BECE school placement for candidates will help both students and their parents to know the following:

  1. Whether the candidate or student has been placed in a school or not
  2. The accommodation type offered to the candidate
  3. The programme he or she will be studying
  4. The reporting date, among others

Students will often have to print two important documents. One is the enrolment form, and the other is a summary of the candidates, such as the raw score, schools selected, schools attended, and other personal and academic details about the candidate.

The New School Placement Checker for 2023 BECE candidates

When the 2023 school placement is out, candidates can only check with a valid placement checker.

Candidates should note that they will only be able to use the newly released school placement checker by GES. The checkers are expected to be made available for sale to the public on Monday, November 20, 2023.

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