Ghanaian Youngstar Jid Tha Gr8 set to release his latest banger dubbed ‘Bitter truth’ in May

The Ghanaian young musician Jid Tha Gr8 is set to release his new song Scheduled for May 2023.

The hardworking artiste who is known for possessing a great voice will be releasing a new song dubbed ‘Bitter Truth’.

He said “Bitter Truth” could potentially be a raw and emotional song exploring personal struggles and difficult realities”.

He added that, The lyrics may delve into tough truths that are hard to face, and the music could reflect those emotions with a powerful and introspective sound.

It is produced by OKWAM beat.

Instagram : jid_thagr8

Facebook page : Jid Tha Gr8

Twitter : JidThaGr8

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