Stop following trends blindly and be dynamic instead – Musicians told

Stop following trends blindly and be dynamic instead – Musicians told

Musician and dancer, Mr Drew has advised his colleagues to be dynamic in the showbiz scene instead of always following trends.

He took the opportunity to emphasize on Cape Coast-based Property FM that music business is about being strategic to engage with your fans actively.

In an interview with Amansan Krakye, he opined “For an artiste I feel that you have to be dynamic a little bit and you need to study the system cos is always good to do so .

“Because at the end of the day, we’re not just doing music but it’s business so you have to be strategic and pay attention to the market.

“You need to know what the market wants and be able to do it for them so it’s not even about just jumping on trends,” he posited monitored by

“It’s about being strategic with your business and then getting as much engagement from your fans as possible so it’s not really about trends,” he advised.


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